Sintesi in Italiano
“ELASTIC” è un progetto che si è posto l’obiettivo di incrementare le competenze e capacità digitali dei professionisti che lavorano nel campo dell’educazione e della inclusione sociale di adulti che vivono in condizioni di vulnerabilità estrema (senza dimora, migranti, richiedenti asilo, rifugiati, etc.). Il progetto ha previsto un corso integrato di scambi di esperienze e pratiche tra le organizzazioni dei partner europei, così come occasioni di formazione e viaggi di conoscenza
English description
The aim of the project was to increase digital skills of professionals working in the field of education and social inclusion of adults in extreme vulnerability situations (e.g. homeless, migrant, asylum seekers, refugees, etc.). The project planned an integrated course of experiences and practices exchange among European partner organizations, as well as a workers’ mobility and training program
We thought this name (E.L.A.S.T.I.C.) symbolizes the ability of change, the need for adjustment and trying new forms and working solutions, particularly important for the difficult role of social workers and welfare organizations
In recent years, social work with adults in extreme vulnerability has changed its priorities due to: • Increasing diversity of interventions and types of end user (new immigration, poverty and types of drug addiction, etc.) • Increasing diversity of professionals involved in the social service system (teachers, instructors, psychologists, psychiatrists, street workers, consultants, health workers, educators, facilitators, mediators, etc.) This has led to 2 consequences for social workers: • Individual work with end users is becoming more complex due to language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, difficulties in appraising new needs, inability to match old answers to new demands; • Work within organisations, both inside single work teams, and among different teams within the same service system, is unable to ensure the complementarity and effectiveness of the entire intervention. Different professionals have often very different methodologies, languages and timescales
Strategic partnership with 10 organizations:
OPEN GROUP: Open Group (OG) is a social organization based in Italy;
ASP Città di Bologna: public company for social welfare and personal care of the Municipality of Bologna, based in Italy;
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk – SAN (University of Social Sciences): one of the leading private universities in Poland;
Czech Streetwork Association – CAS has been working in the field of street/outreach in Czech Republic;
FEANTSA: the European Federation of National Organizations working with the Homeless based in Brussels;
DOCUMENTA: no profit organization based in Spain
fio.PSD: a democratic, non-profit association that pursues social solidarity and inclusion based in Italy;
EAPN Cantabria: network against poverty and social exclusion based in Spain,
DIESIS: network for the support of the development of the social economy based in Brussels;
Polish Migration Forum Foundation “ PFM Organization involved in initiatives of information and education based in Poland
ELASTIC lasted 24 months, 5 transnational meetings were scheduled, 2 of which being virtual
Those staff meetings helped information flows, coordination and exchange among partners, ongoing evaluation and administrative verifications. Moreover, 3 training events were scheduled, each one focused on different aspects of ITC tools and how to use it for social workers and their organizations. During those meetings, participants visited the hosting organizations, so that training moments and exchange of good practices were combined, sparing time and money
Results and impact envisaged
The project identified innovative and technological solutions (ICT) to facilitate:
- Teamwork and collective creation of social knowledge;
- Communication among professionals and among organizations;
- Information flows between formal and informal participants, etc.
In short, the project identified new practices, develop new skills and try new instruments to enhance the effectiveness of local welfare and community services addressed to adult population at risk of marginalization and exclusion as well as give new tools to social workers to produce digital documentation to be used both in their work with end users and to spread their organizations competences
Long term benefit
Throughout the project all significant competences, instruments and practices that emerged as useful to our aim will were collected and elaborated. The dissemination part of ELASTIC aimed to spread and reinforce them, the drafting of a Guide for the correct use of ICT in the social work with vulnerable adults, the subsequent spread of it through local, national and international networks and the organization of a final event through which project results and development prospects were presented
19 giugno – Bruxelles, Elastic final event
The Elastic project Final Event will be held on Wednesday 19 in Brussels, involving 10 partners from different European countries The ELASTIC project has set itself the objective of increasing the digital skills and capabilities of professionals working in...
Newsletter fio.PSD – Aprile 2019
Newsletter di fio.PSD Federazione Italiana Organismi per le Persone Senza Dimora ONLUS con Evidente Funzione Sociale riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano Non leggi bene la mail? Apri con il tuo browser Aprile 2019 1....
Dal 18 al 20 marzo 2019 si è svolto a Bologna il quarto incontro del Progetto Elastic From 18th to 20th of March 2019 the fourth meeting of the Elastic Project took place in Bologna Dal 18 al 20 marzo 2019 si è svolto a Bologna il quarto incontro del Progetto Elastic....
18/20 marzo Bologna – III Elastic meeting
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Elastic meeting in Prague
The second Training meeting of the Elastic Project took place in Prague from 20th to 22nd November This event saw the participation of all 10 project partners, hosted by the Ceska Asociace Streetwork (Czech Association Streetwork). As planned, the meeting...
Newsletter fio.PSD – Novembre 2018
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Santander partner meeting
The intermediate Elastic Project event took place in Santander (Spain) on 13th and 14th septembre 2018, hosted by EAPN: The objectives of the meeting were: Evaluation of the ELASTIC project first year Evaluation of the activity plan progress Monitoring of the ELASTIC...
Report II Meeting ELASTIC (Warsaw 2018)
Si è svolto a Varsavia, dal 3 al 5 maggio, il secondo meeting di ELASTIC Tre giorni din incontri e formazione nel corso dei quali si è potuto conoscere e approfondire una serie di software, applicazioni e strunenti utili per la scrittuta di progetti e la gestione di...
Newsletter fio.PSD – Maggio 2018
In questo numero: 1) Spring School 2018 2) Assemblea Soci aperta 3) Padova 18-19 giugno 4) Nuovi Soci fio.PSD 5) Call per PIE4shelters 6) Appuntamenti in Italia 7) Appuntamenti in Europa 8) Premio Giovane Ricercatore 9) News dall'Europa
16/18 maggio Varsavia – II meeting ELASTIC
Si svolgerà a Varsavia nei giorni dal 16 al 18 maggio il secondo incontro dei partecipanti al progetto ELASTIC Tre giornate dense di formazioni, incontri e visite per approfondire i temi delle competenze digitali, della digital inclusion e degli strumenti utili a chi...