Sono aperte le candidature per partecipare alla Feantsa Youth Study Session che svolgerà dal 14 al 18 ottobre a Budapest, Ungheria
Un corso di 5 giorni che si discosta dai corsi tradizionali utilizzando l’educazione non formale, per incoraggiare i partecipanti a condividere le loro esperienze, storie e competenze su una determinata questione relativa ai giovani senza dimora
Quest’anno il tema sarà il lavoro giovanile e homelessness con il titolo Transforming social work with the power of youth work.
La scadenza per presentare domanda è il 30 giugno 2024
COSTI: per i partecipanti selezionati ci sarà un costo di registrazione di 50 euro, ma i costi di viaggio, vitto e alloggio saranno rimborsati
termina tra...
What: A study session is a 5-day course, designed with the support of the Council of Europe’s Youth Department. Study sessions depart from traditional courses by using non- formal education to encourage participants to share their experiences, stories and expertise on a given issue. As a participant in a study session, you are an expert based in your experience as a volunteer, professional or student and will be encouraged to share your insights with colleagues from across Europe. A special attempt will be made to select participants with diverse professional and personal backgrounds, to ensure diversity in experiences and knowledges.
This will be the ninth in a series of study sessions led by FEANTSA Youth. Our study sessions have provided an opportunity for young professionals from across Europeto come together to identify key issues in tackling youth homelessness and co-develop a seriesof solutions. The study sessions have led to a growing and dynamic alumni network with membership from across a wide variety of fields.
The topic of this year’s study session has come up in discussions of FEANTSA Youth network and with the Council of Europe, however there is still a lot of room for improvement in the use of youth work when applied to homelessness. Integrating the values, skills, and knowledges of youth work in services has the potential to be a change-maker in how we respond to and end youth homelessness.
The aim of this study session is to educate homeless services, that work with young people, about the value and power of youth work. The objectives of the study session are:
- Understand what constitutes youth work and how it relates to social work with young people in homelessness.
- Recognize the value of supporting youth experiencing homelessness using youth work, or youth work-informed principles.
- See inspiring examples from existing services that have adopted a youth work mindset.
- Map out, and address challenges around taking existing services and transforming them using youth work.
- Develop a vision or plan for how their service can bring a stronger youth work dimension in supporting youth.
Who Should Apply:
- Under 30 years old, a small portion of places are available for people over 30, but priority will be given to young people.
- Living in a Council of Europe member state.
- Persons working with young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, or;
- Persons who have experienced homelessness.
- Able to communicate in English. This is a participatory training, and all participants will be required to actively participate in group discussions. However, this is not an exclusion criterion if a minimum level of English is met (more information in the application form).
- Enthusiastic, energetic, and prepared to engage in non-formal education.
- Willing to commit yourself after the study session in order to share your learnings in your local context.